About the authors
- Brigitte Bailer
Documentation Archive of the Austrian Resistance, Austria... [ more ] -
Brigitte Bailer (b. 1952) is the Research Director at the Dokumentationsarchiv des österreichischen Widerstandes (DÖW) in Vienna, which focuses on the historical issues of resistance to and persecution by the National Socialist regime as well as on the observation and analysis of present-day right-wing extremism and neo-Nazism. Since 1979, she has been a Research Associate at the DÖW. Bailer assumed the role of Deputy Chairperson in the Austrian Historical Commission, which has traced property confiscated during the Nazi era and looked into issues of restitution and compensation after 1945. In 2003, she completed post-graduate work in contemporary history, and in 2010 was named Honorary Professor at the Institute for Contemporary History at the University of Vienna. In her historical research, Bailer concentrates on resistance and persecution during the Nazi era and how the Republic of Austria dealt with victims of the Nazi regime. She has also done considerable work on right-wing extremism and Holocaust denial in the years after 1945.
- Tamás Boros
Policy Solutions, Hungary... [ more ] -
Tamás Boros studied international relations and European political analysis at Corvinus University in Budapest, Hungary. He is currently the director of Policy Solutions, a Budapest-based political research and consultancy institute. Previously, he worked as a specialist in European affairs and communications for the European Commission and the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Boros also served as the director of a non-profi t organization, the Pillar Foundation, for four years. He was awarded the "Young European of the Year 2005" prize for his work by Germany’s Schwarzkopf Foundation.
- Gideon Botsch
Moses Mendelssohn Center for European-Jewish Studies, Germany... [ more ] -
Gideon Botsch (b. 1970) received his Ph.D. in Political Science from the Free University of Berlin. During 2004-2005, he was a research associate at the Berlin Memorial and Educational Institute's "Haus der Wannsee-Konferenz" on the design of the new permanent exhibition. Since 2006, he has been a Research Associate at the Moses Mendelssohn Center for European-Jewish Studies, e.V. (a registered non-profit organization) at the University of Potsdam. Botsch is also an assistant lecturer at the University of Potsdam and liaison tutor of the Hans-Böckler Foundation. The editor of the journal, Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte (Journal for Religious and Intellectual History), he has published extensively, mainly on anti-Semitism, National Socialism, and right-wing extremism. His most recent book is The Extreme Right in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1949 to the Present Day: A brief history (Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2012).
- Petra Boumaiza
Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS), Germany... [ more ] -
Petra Boumaiza (b. 1966) works to implement programs supported by the European Social Fund at the Federal Ministry for Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS) in Bonn. After completing her M.A. in Islamic studies and political science at Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, she worked in various NGOs on topics such as international affairs, anti-racism work, and supporting programs relating to the labor-market. Since 2002, she has served in a consultancy and support capacity under the auspices of the German government’s XENOS program, and most recently the special program "Ausstieg zum Einstieg" (“Exit to Enter”) at BMAS, which supports the exit of young people from right-wing extremism and their transition to regular employment.
- Yngve Carlsson
The Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities, Norway... [ more ] -
Yngve Carlsson (b. 1954) graduated with a degree in sociology from the University of Oslo. He worked for five years as a youth-worker and community consultant in one of Norway’s larger municipalities. Carlsson served from 1987 to 1993 as a researcher and from 1993 to 2006 as a senior researcher at the Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research. His main fields of study were community development and municipal problem-solving. From 1992 through 2006, Carlsson was involved either as an evaluator or advisor in almost all of the 20 Norwegian municipalities that experienced problems with violent right-wing extremism or with street-oriented criminal gangs. He has written several research reports and two books on this topic. Since 2006, Carlsson has been employed by the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities as a special advisor on crime prevention, including the prevention of radicalization, extremism, and terrorism. He serves as an intermediary between the Norwegian municipalities, on the one hand, and the Ministry of Justice and the Police Directorate, on the other hand.
- Roberto Chiarini
University of Milan, Italy... [ more ] -
Roberto Chiarini, one of Italy’s leading historians and men of letters, teaches in the Faculty of Political Science at the State University of Milan. His research focuses on liberalism, socialism, neo-fascism, and the evolution of the Italian right wing. Chiarini has written numerous articles and essays for anthologies, widely-read daily newspapers, and academic journals, including MondOperaio, Il Ponte, and Ideazione. He has also published more than a dozen books, including The Last Fascism: History and Memory of the Republic of Saló (Marsilio, 2009); April 25th: the Political Competition for Memory (Marsilio, 2005); and The Italian Right: from Italian Unifi cation to the National Alliance (Marsilio, 1995).
- Radu Cinpoeş
Kingston University, Great Britain... [ more ] -
Radu Cinpoeş (b. 1975) is currently Senior Lecturer in Politics, International Relations, and Human Rights at Kingston University, London, where he obtained his Ph.D. in 2006. His interests include the politics of identity, nationalism, European politics, the transition
from communism in Eastern Europe, and human rights and migration. Cinpoeş is the author of the book, Nationalism and Identity in Romania: A History of Extreme Politics from the Birth of the State to EU Accession (I.B. Tauris, 2010), as well as articles on nationalism, European identity, and Romanian politics, and he has participated in numerous national and international conferences. His current research project employs the critical realist morphogenetic approach in order to investigate the role of agential refl exive mediation of structural conditionings in transnational labor mobility. - Katrine Fangen
University of Oslo, Norway... [ more ] -
Katrine Fangen (b. 1966) is a Sociology professor and head of education in the Department of Sociology and Human Geography, University of Oslo. She has published in the fields of migration research, youth research, and qualitative methods. Fangen is also co-editor of two journals, Nordic Journal of Youth Research and Social Inclusion. Her prize-winning doctoral dissertation was based on fieldwork done among Norwegian neo-Nazis, including life-story interviews and analyses of "fanzines" and other paraphernalia. After receiving her Ph.D., Fangen undertook a five-year postdoctoral project on identity formation, citizenship, and coping strategies among Somali-born Norwegians. She then coordinated a three-year EU-funded international research project analyzing the multidimensional processes of inclusion and exclusion among immigrants and their descendants in seven European countries. In addition to these studies, Fangen has conducted several smaller projects in the field of migration research, which have yielded a number of articles in social scientific journals (in English, Norwegian, and Spanish) as well as books, of which so far three are available in English. She has also been the sole author and co-editor of several books on methodology.
- Vassiliki Georgiadou
Panteion University, Greece... [ more ] -
Vassiliki Georgiadou is Associate Professor of Political Science in the Department of Political Science and History at Panteion University, Athens. She studied Political Science and Sociology in Athens and Münster and received her Ph.D. from the University of Münster (1989). Her research interests focus on political behavior, far right parties, and political extremism. Georgiadou is author of numerous works, including (in German) Non-capitalist Aspects of Development in Greece in the 19th Century (Peter Lang, 1991) and (in Greek) The Far Right and the Consequences of Consensus: Denmark, Norway, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Germany (Kastaniotis, 2008). She is a member of both the board of directors of the Center for Political Research (http://www.kpe-panteion.gr/) and the editorial board of Science and Society: Journal of Political and Moral Theory (http://www2.media.uoa.gr/sas/). Georgiadou is currently working on a collective project on the rise of right-wing extremism in Greece, and is also participating, as a Research Group Leader, in the THALIS EU research program, "Designing & Operating an Infrastructure for the Empirical Inquiry of Political & Social Radicalism in Greece."
- Mridula Ghosh
East European Development Institute, Ukraine... [ more ] -
Mridula Ghosh (b. 1961) is a human rights activist, expert in international relations and history, poet, translator, and journalist. She graduated with a degree in Political Science from Presidency College in Kolkata, India, and went on to earn a Ph.D. in International Relations and Foreign Policy at Kyiv State University, Ukraine. Ghosh currently heads the East European Development Institute, a Ukrainebased international NGO which has won domestic and international recognition for its work on HIV/AIDS and health care; fighting racism, anti-Semitism and xenophobia; and promoting transparency and accountability. Previously, she taught in the International Journalism department of Kyiv University, worked in the United Nations Development Program, and served as both editor-in-chief of the Eastern Economist magazine and a board member of the International Renaissance Foundation.
- Christoph Kopke
Moses Mendelssohn Center for European-Jewish Studies, Germany... [ more ] -
Christoph Kopke (b. 1967) holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from the Free University of Berlin. After completing his studies, he collaborated on various scientific exhibitions and research projects. From 2007 - 2009, Kopfke was a research assistant at the Moses Mendelssohn Center for European-Jewish Studies, e.V. (a registered nonprofit organization) at the University of Potsdam. Since that time he has been active there as a project participant and in other capacities. Currently, Kopke is Associate Lecturer at the Historical Institute of the University of Potsdam and Associate Lecturer in Political Science at the Berlin School of Economics and Law. He has numerous publications to his credit, mainly dealing with National Socialism and right-wing extremism. His most recent book is The Day of Potsdam, May 21, 1933 and the Establishment of the National Socialist Dictatroship, co-edited by Werner Treß (Walter de Gruyter, 2013); it is volume 8 of the series, “Europäisch-jüdische Studien – Beiträge,” edited with Werner Treß.
- Marcin Kornak
The NEVER AGAIN Association, Poland... [ more ] -
Marcin Kornak is the founder and Chairman of the anti-racist NEVER AGAIN Association in Bydgoszcz, Poland (established in 1996) and the editor-in-chief of the journal, NEVER AGAIN (NIGDY WIECEJ). The main author of The Brown Book, a three-volume register of hate crimes committed in Poland, Kornak also initiated the "Music Against Racism" and "Let’s Kick Racism Out of the Stadiums" campaigns. He was awarded the Officer’s Cross of the Order Polonia Restituta by Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski in 2011. The following year, Kornak received the annual "Man Without Limits" award, given to an outstanding disabled person who breaks down barriers and stereotypes and serves as a positive role model in various walks of life.
- Riccardo Marchi
University of Lisbon, Portugal... [ more ] -
Riccardo Marchi (b. 1974) is a post-doctoral research fellow at the Institute of Social Science - University of Lisbon. He studied political science at the University of Padua in Italy and earned his Ph.D. in History at the ISCTE-IUL (Lisbon) in 2008, with a dissertation on the Portuguese extreme right at the end of the authoritarian regime. He has been a visiting scholar at the UPO - University of Seville (2007) and the University of California, Berkeley (2008), with projects on the extreme right in Spain and the United States. His research interests include the ideology and political activity of the radical right in Western Europe since 1945, with particular emphasis on Italian and Iberian neo-fascism.
- Michael Minkenberg
European University Viadrina, Germany... [ more ] -
Michael Minkenberg is Professor of Comparative Politics at European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder), Germany. From 2007 – 10, he held the Max Weber Chair for German and European Studies at New York University. Minkenberg received his M.A. in American Government from Georgetown University in 1984 and his Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Heidelberg in 1989. Before starting at Viadrina in 1998, he taught comparative politics at the universities of Göttingen and Heidelberg in Germany and at Cornell and Columbia universities in the United States. Minkenberg’s research interests include the radical right in liberal democracies and the relationship between religion and politics in Western societies. Among his many publications are The Radical Right in Europe: An Overview (Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2008) and Historical Legacies and the Radical Right in Post-1989 Central and Eastern Europe (Ibidem Verlag, 2010), which he guest-edited for the journal, Communist and Post-Communist Studies.
- András Bíró Nagy
Policy Solutions, Hungary... [ more ] -
András Bíró Nagy holds an M.S. in Public Policy and Administration from the London School of Economics and an M.A. in International Relations from the Corvinus University, Budapest. He works for the European Commission as a member of the cabinet of Laszlo Andor, the EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, and Integration. Previously, Nagy served as co-director of Policy Solutions. He was also a lecturer at Corvinus University and Budapest’s Eötvös Lorand University.
- Kristina Nauditt
The Argo Team, Germany... [ more ] -
Kristina Nauditt (b. 1966) grew up in Bonn, Germany and New Delhi, India. After completing her studies in political science and Germanic studies at the Free University of Berlin and Friedrich Wilhelm University in Bonn, she worked in the areas of migration, integration, and intercultural communication for the RAA Brandenburg (a national, independent support agency for education and social integration), the Multicultural Center in Zittau, and the Protestant Student Community in the Federal Republic of Germany. From 2002 to 2005, Nauditt was a freelancer who established community development processes and organizational development for international organizations in Nicaragua. More recently, she was a founding member of the Argo Team in Berlin, which since 2006 has monitored participatory development processes in an effort to promote democracy both in Germany and abroad. Another focus of Nauditt’s work is projectmonitoring and -consulting, particularly in structurally weak rural areas.
- Rafał Pankowski
The NEVER AGAIN Association, Poland... [ more ] -
Rafał Pankowski is Associate Professor at the Collegium Civitas in Warsaw and a deputy editor of the journal, NEVER AGAIN (NIGDY WIECEJ). Pankowski has been the coordinator of the East Europe Monitoring Center, which is supported by the Football Against Racism in Europe (FARE) Network and the Union of European Football Associations, and has coordinated both the FARE East European Development Project and the "Euro 2012 Respect Diversity" project in Poland and Ukraine. His publications include Neo-Fascism in Western Europe (Polish Academy of Sciences, 1998), Racism and Popular Culture (Trio, 2006), and The Populist Radical Right in Poland: The Patriots (Routledge, 2010).
- Britta Schellenberg
Geschwister-Scholl Institute for Political Science, Germany... [ more ] -
Britta Schellenberg is a research associate at the Center for Applied Research in Politics (C·A·P) and Assistant Lecturer in the Geschwister-Scholl Institute for Political Science of Ludwig-Maximilian’s University, Munich. She studied literature, linguistics and Jewish studies in Heidelberg, London, and Berlin, and holds a Ph.D. in History. Her research centers on attitudinal dimensions and manifestations of the radical right and counter-strategies against it (prevention, intervention, repression). Schellenberg is the author and editor of numerous publications, including The Debate over Right-Wing Extremism: Characteristics, conflicts, and consequences (VS: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2013); Is Europe on the “Right“ Path? Right-wing extremism and populism in Europe, co-edited by Nora Langenbacher (Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2011); and Strategies for Combating Right-Wing Extremism in Europe, co-authored by Orkan Kösemen (Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2009).
- Martin Schulz, MdEP
President of the European Parliament... [ more ] -
Martin Schulz (b. 1955) managed his own bookstore in Würselen, Germany, from 1982 to 1994. He was also politically active in the community of Würselen, which is situated close to the French, Dutch, and Belgian borders, and was elected mayor of that city in 1987, a position he held until 1998. Since 1994, he has been a member of the European Parliament from Germany (MdEP). In 1999, he was elected to membership in both the German Social Democratic Party’s executive committee and presidium, posts that he continues to hold. In 2004, Schulz became chairman of the Socialist group in the European Parliament. He has served as President of the European Parliament since 2012.
- Zoltán Vasali
Policy Solutions, Hungary... [ more ] -
Zoltán Vasali studied political science at the Eötvös Lorand University in Budapest. A senior political analyst at Policy Solutions, he previously worked as a senior analyst and policy expert in consultancy institutes and as a journalist and editor at several different daily and weekly newspapers. Vasali began his teaching career in Eötvös Loránd University and currently teaches at King Sigismund College.
- Fabian Virchow
University of Applied Sciences, Germany... [ more ] -
Fabian Virchow (b. 1960) is Professor of Social and Political Theory at the University of Applied Sciences in Düsseldorf (FHD) and Director of the FHD research group, Right-wing Extremism/Neo-Nazism (FORENA). Previously, he taught and conducted research at the universities of Kiel, Lüneburg, Cologne, Salzburg, and Marburg. As a sociologist and political scientist, Virchow has published numerous books and journal articles on the media’s representation of the military and on the history, ideology, and praxeology of the extreme right. With Alexander Häusler, he co-edited the Edition Right-wing Extremism (Springer/VS). Virchow has also edited another book, Far- Right Visual Politics and the Cultural Dimensions of Far-Right Politics and Lifeworld (Springer/Association of German Authors), which is scheduled for publication in the autumn of 2013.
- Harald Weilnböck
Violence Prevention Network, Germany... [ more ] -
Harald Weilnböck, Ph.D., is a lecturer and independent consultant. He works as a qualitative empirical social and media scientist and group analyst, supervisor (DAGG, DGSv), and EU best-practice intervention researcher. His recent publications, which focus on approaches to preventing violence and right-wing extremism or promoting deradicalization of those already active in the far-right scene, include "Towards Preventing Violent Radicalization" (LPT, London, and Violence Prevention Network, Berlin), "Cultural and Media Interaction in Preventing Extremism" (Culture Interactive, Berlin/ University of Zurich), and "Confront Hate Crime" (Niacro, Belfast). Since 2012, Weilnböck has played an active role in establishing the "European Network of Deradicalization" under the auspices of ISEC (Brussels) and the Violence Prevention Network (Berlin). He is currently working on "The European Platform of Deradicalizing Narratives" for Minor e.V. (Berlin) and on a practical research project, "Women, Girls, Gender in Extremism," for Culture Interactive. Weilnböck advises the RAND Corporation and heads the Radicalization Prevention Network’s "Derad" ("First-line Deradicalization and Hate Crime Prevention Approaches") working group (EC, Brussels). He writes on psychological media analysis, psycho- and socialtherapy, trauma counseling, and narratology, and conducts sociological interaction research as well as methodological research on social/cultural work with young people.
- Gerd Wermerskirch
The Argo Team, Germany... [ more ] -
Gerd Wermerskirch (b. 1965) studied political science at the Free University of Berlin, where his program of instruction featured several excursions to El Salvador and Central America. He subsequently served as a project coordinator for youth social work and vocational assistance in the Löbau - Zittau district of Germany. From 1999 to 2002, Wermerskirch worked as a mobile consultant against right-wing extremism for the RAA Brandenburg (a national, independent support agency for education and social integration), and from 2003 to 2005 he was involved as a participatory, community and organizational consultant for the German Development Service in Nicaragua. Since 2006, Wermerskirch has worked on a freelance basis for the Argo Team (www.argo-team.de). In addition to monitoring teams and networks, he has assisted Argo with large group schemes, such as future workshops, conferences, and other formats for planning processes in the urban boroughs of Berlin; with local action plans in East Germany’s federal states; and with the civic engagement and democratic action program, Zusammenhalt durch Teilhabe (Collaboration through Participation). Wermerskirch also serves as an IPMA/GPM certified senior project manager and project management trainer, and teaches at the HTW Berlin - University of Applied Sciences.
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