Anthology by Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation (Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung) "Right-Wing Extremism in Europe"

The anthology in english and german language

The upcoming anthology "Right-Wing Extremism: Country Analyses, Counter-Strategies and Labor-Market Oriented Exit Strategies" was presented Monday 27th May 2013 in Berlin in the framework of the conference "We are the others".

Martin Schulz (President of the European Parliament) and Cecilia Malmström (European Commisssioner for Home Affairs) delivered the keynote speeches.

Presentation of the anthology at the conference

Conference WE ARE THE OTHERS, May 27, 2013

Table with the FES anthology: Right-Wing extremism in Europe

Conference WE ARE THE OTHERS, May 27, 2013

Table with the FES anthology: Right-Wing extremism in Europe

Welcoming speech by Kurt Beck

Acting President, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

Welcoming speech by Kurt Beck

Acting President, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

Keynote speech: Martin Schulz

President of the European Parliament

Keynote speech: Martin Schulz

View in the conference room

Keynote speech: Martin Schulz

President of the European Parliament

Keynote speech: Cecilia Malmström

European Commissioner for Home Affairs

Keynote speech: Cecilia Malmström

European Commissioner for Home Affairs

Keynote speech: Cecilia Malmström

View in the conference room

Short intervention: Prof. Dr. Barbara John

Ombudswoman for the relatives and victims of the so-called NSU

Short intervention: Prof. Dr. Barbara John

Ombudswoman for the relatives and victims of the so-called NSU

Short intervention: Prof. Dr. Barbara John

View in the conference room

Panel discussion

View to panel

Panel discussion

Dr. Ralf Melzer, Coordinator, Project on Combating Right-Wing Extremism, FES

Panel discussion: Prof. Dr. Vassiliki Georgiadou

Panteion University, Athens

Panel discussion: Eva Högl, MdB

SPD Arbitrator in the NSU- Commission of Enquiry

Panel discussion: Harald Weilnböck

Coordinator RAN-Derad (Radicalisation Awareness Network)

Panel discussion: Prof. Dr. Michael Minkenberg

European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)

Panel discussion

View in the conference room

Panel discussion

View to the panel

Panel discussion

Visitors taking part in the discussion

Musical Finale with Chagiga Acoustic


Interview: fighting right-wing extremism, with Cecilia Malmström, EU-Commissioner for Home Affairs

Keynote speeches:
Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament

Keynote speeches:
Cecilia Malmström, EU-Commissioner for Home Affairs

Keynote speeches:
Short intervention: Prof. Dr. Barbara John, ombudswoman for the relatives and victims of the so-called "National Socialist Underground"

Podiumsdiskussion mit (v.l.n.r.):
Dr. Ralf Melzer, Coordinator, Project on "Combating Right-Wing Extremism", Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung;
Prof. Dr. Vassiliki Georgiadou, Panteion University, Athens;
Dr. Eva Högl, MdB, SPD Arbitrator in the "NSU" Commission of Enquiry;
Dr. Harald Weilnböck, Coordinator RAN-Derad (Radicalisation Awareness Network);
Prof. Dr. Michael Minkenberg, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)

Download the publication

For the download of the anthology as pdf-file, please use the following links
Publication english
Publication german

Order the publication

For the ordering of the anthology please use the following links
Ordering of publication in english
Ordering of publication in german

This project is supported by:

Logo XenosLogo Bundesministerium für Arbeit und SozialesLogo Europäischer SozialfondsLogo Europäische Union